
Meet the Temos team: George Jokhadze

Meet the Temos team: George Jokhadze

Meet the Temos team: George Jokhadze

George Jokhadze strengthens the headquarters team by primarily taking care of the Georgian projects, among other quality management tasks.

George says: "We live in an optimization society and the world changes every 5-7 years. So we have to adapt to changes."

His goal is to help companies predict these changes and take advantage of them. The Kaizen methodology changed his way of thinking by applying it in the company and in the family. His motto: The present, born from the past, is the father of the future.

George's professional background includes strategic planning, sales and marketing, data analysis, finance, supply chain, operations, etc. In addition, he has been specialized in Kaizen and lean management since 2017 and supports organizations in the implementation of lean management as a trainer and consultant.
In September 2023 George joined the Temos family. Welcome to the team, George!

Contact data:
Phone: +995 32 2320494, Mobile: +995 577501516
