
Egypt: Accreditation of Cura Elnasr Hospital

Egypt: Accreditation of Cura Elnasr Hospital

Egypt: Accreditation of Cura Elnasr Hospital

Temos is delighted to announce that Cura El Nasr Hospital in Cairo, Egypt, has successfully received Temos Accreditation for their Quality in Medical Care.

As a hospital that was built in the seventies, Cura El Nasr Hospital was a breakthrough at the time and holds lots of experience and history. Over the years, the hospital has been renovated with improved infrastructure and modern-day medical technologies and medical management to meet the healthcare needs of our society in a timely and efficient manner.

Join us in celebrating this achievement and dedication of the Cura El Nasr Hospital. Congratulations, and welcome to the Temos Network!

For more information please visit Temos Accredited Partner Guide and the facility website.
